Error codes
The Simple-JWT-Login plugin assigns a unique error code to each issue. This table will help you quickly identify your problem.
Error Code | Message | Description |
1 | Key may not be empty | JWT is missing from request |
2 | Wrong number of segments | The JWT contains 3 parts, separated by dots(Header, Payload, Signature). So, your JWT does not have 2 dots in it. |
3 | Invalid header encoding | The encoding of the first part of the JWT, is invalid. This means, that the first part of your JWT is incorrect. |
4 | Invalid claims encoding | The second part of your JWT is invalid. |
5 | Invalid signature encoding | The signature that you provided in "JWT Decryption key" is invalid. |
6 | Empty algorithm | This means, that your JWT has no algorithm specified. |
7 | Algorithm not supported | The algorithm present in your JWT, is not supported by this plugin. |
8 | Algorithm not allowed | The provided algorithm is not allowed by this plugin. |
9 | 'kid' invalid, unable to lookup correct key | Your JWT is malformed. |
10 | 'kid' invalid, unable to lookup correct key | Your JWT is malformed. |
11 | Signature verification failed | Invalid "JWT Decryption key" provided in config. |
12 | Cannot handle token prior to ... | Check that this token has been created before 'now'. Timestamp verified from 'nbf'. |
13 | Cannot handle token prior to ... | Check that this token has been created before 'now'. This prevents. Timestamp verified from 'iat'. |
14 | Expired token | JWT is expired. |
15 | Algorithm not supported | Algorithm not supported when JWT was signed. |
16 | OpenSSL unable to sign data | Error while JWT is signed with OpenSSL. |
17 | Unsupported sign function | Invalid Algorithm provided for JWT when signing |
18 | Algorithm not supported | Invalid Algorithm while trying to verify the JWT |
19 | OpenSSL error | This is a generic OpenSSL error. |
20 | Null result with non-null input | Decoded JWT is null. |
21 | Null result with non-null input | Encoded JWT is null |
22 | Unknown JSON error | This is a generic error by JWT. More details are provided in the message. |
23 | Wrong Request. | JWT is missing in the auto-login process. |
24 | User not found. | This error occurs when the user is not found. For login and delete endpoint: there is no user in WordPress with the email or ID provided in JWT. |
26 | Auto-login is not enabled on this website. | You have to enable auto-login from plugin settings. |
27 | Invalid Auth Code provided. | The Auth code provided is invalid or missing. You should use one that you have saved in your plugin settings |
28 | This IP is not allowed to auto-login. | You can not auto-login from this IP. Some IP's are specified in plugin settings that can auto-login into WordPress |
29 | Unable to find property in JWT. | The user sub-key property can not be found in JWT |
30 | Unable to find property in JWT. | The user key property can not be found in JWT |
31 | Register is not allowed. | Register is disabled from settings |
32 | Invalid Auth Code | Invalid auth code provided on register endpoint. You can use auth codes that are generated in your plugin settings. |
33 | This IP is not allowed to register users. | You can not register users from this IP. The allowed IPs are saved in plugin settings |
35 | Missing email or password. | Missing email or password from your register new user request |
36 | Invalid email address. | The value provided for email is not a valid email. |
37 | This website does not allow users from this domain. | The email domain is not allowed to register to this WordPress. The allowed domains are saved in plugin settings. |
38 | User already exists. | The user that you are trying to create already exists. Try a different email address. |
39 | Delete is not enabled. | The plugin delete endpoint is not enabled for this website. This can be enabled from plugin settings. |
40 | Missing AUTH KEY | Missing Auth Key from Delete. You can find your generated auth keys in plugin settings. |
41 | You are not allowed to delete users from this IP | You can not delete users only from the IPs that are set in plugin settings. |
42 | The 'jwt' parameter is missing. | The JWT parameter is missing from the request. |
43 | Invalid method for this route. | The route that you are calling does not exist. |
44 | Invalid route name. | Route name is invalid. |
45 | Authentication is not enabled. | Authentication enabled is set to "No" in the plugin settings. |
46 | Authentication missing email. | Your request does not contain the email address. |
47 | Authentication missing password. | Password is missing from the request. |
48 | Authentication wrong credentials | Email or password is incorrect. |
49 | JWT payload is not correct. | Check your JWT payload. After decoding it, it resulted null. it should be an JSON. |
50 | JWT is too old to be refreshed. | The JWT generated time is too old. You can not refresh this token. |
51 | JWT is missing from /auth/refresh | The JWT parameter was not sent to the /auth/refresh endpoint. |
52 | Unable to create user. | There was an error while trying to create the user. |
53 | The jwt parameter is missing. | The JWT is missing from reset password, revoke token or validate user |
54 | WordPress user not found | Unable to find a valid user in the provided JWT. |
55 | This JWT is invalid. | The JWT has been revoked. It can not be used anymore. |
56 | Reset Password is not allowed. | The Reset Password endpoint is disabled. |
57 | Route called with invalid request method. | The Reset Password endpoint is called with an invalid HTTP method. Only PUT and POST are allowed. |
58 | Invalid Auth Code ( %s ) provided. | The Reset Password endpoint is called with an invalid AUTH CODE. |
59 | Missing email parameter. | Missing or empty email parameter when calling the Reset Password endpoint. |
60 | Missing code parameter. | Missing code parameter when calling change user password endpoint. |
61 | Missing new_password parameter. | Missing new_password when calling the change user password endpoint |
62 | Invalid code provided. | The code and user_email does not match when calling the Reset Password endpoint. |
63 | Missing email parameter. | Missing email parameter when calling the Send reset password endpoint. |
64 | Wrong user. | User was not found while calling the Send reset password endpoint. |
65 | Invalid flow type. | Invalid plugin settings for Reset password flow. |
66 | You need to add the {{CODE}} variable in email body. | The {{CODE}} parameter is missing from Reset Password email body. |
67 | Something is wrong. We can not save the settings. | Something is wrong with the plugin configuration. The _wpnonce field is missing or it is invalid. |
68 | 'The JWT issuer(iss) is not allowed to auto-login. | The JWT is issued by an authorized issuer. |
69 | The Oauth provider is invalid. | Invalid provider parameter provided. |
70 | This Oauth provider is not available. | OAuth provided is not enabled or unavailable. |
71 | The code or id_token parameter is missing from request. | The code or id_token parameter is missing from request when connecting with Google OAuth. |
72 | The code you provided is invalid. | The Google OAuth endpoint has received an invalid code . |
73 | The provided id_token is invalid | The Google OAuth endpoint has received an invalid id_token . |
74 | Wrong user credentials. | The Google OAuth could not find a user in the provided JWT. |